Sunday 10 May 2015

At the end of this "MOTHERS DAY", what we find that this mother day is special, special because we find heart touching video on youtube, post on facebook, whatsapp status change,and lastly we feel pain and sacrifice of mother's life for building our future.

Here is the list of innovative ideas on Mother's Day video.
1. google
This International Women's Day let's hear out these women entrepreneurs who Snapdeal has helped in building their individual identity by making it possible for them to balance between their personal and professional lives. We salute their dedication and are proud to have them on board with us. Their stories are surely going to inspire a lot of other women in realising their dreams.
Program is initiated by google...
2.cuddly -a short film by TTT
Necessity is the mother of invention. But can it replace mother's love?
Karan Shetty's 'Cuddly' stars Neena Kulkarni and Shruti Vyas.


Your friend. Your confidante. Your everything. The one woman who knows everything about you! This Mother’s Day….All we want to say - #MomKnowsBest

Singer and compose by Shanker Mahadevan mother's day present:-Electrolux
A daughter is moving away from home. The empty nest effect is already taking her mom's heart. And the best present ever: a big surprise during a flight on Mother's Day.

5.this mother's Day, #TreatYourMom:-coupondunia

video asked a simple question to several people about their Mother, and their response left us speechless...

Watch this video and see if you can answer the same about your Mom.
I hope you enjoy all these videos...
happy mother day......